Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Ethical Trap Of Loyalty Syndrome And The Ineffective...

General Petraeus When retired General Petraeus’ name is uttered, some recall his stellar 28 year career culminating in the stabilization of war-torn Iraq while everyone remembers his extramarital affair culminating in the release of classified information to his mistress. Similar to a Shakespearian play full of scandal that ends in tragedy, I will assert how General Petraeus is a visionary leader by stabilizing war-torn Iraq from 2007 to 2008 who became an unethical leader while serving as the director of the CIA by having an extramarital affair and releasing classified information to his mistress. To enhance my claim that he is a visionary leader, I will be focusing on his transformational leadership behavior of inspirational motivation and â€Å"Lewin’s Phases of Change† during the stabilization efforts. To enhance my claim that he is unethical, I will focus on two contributing factors to his affair and release of confidential material which are: the ethical trap of loyalty syndrome and the ineffective use of intellectual integrity. Finally, I will be detailing my personal relevance utilizing visionary leadership to revector my organization before a Nuclear Surety Inspection and how I became an unethical leader while serving as a team chief in my earlier years. In order to stabilize war-torn Iraq in 2007, a visionary leader was required to enact a revolutionary plan to ease the mind of the American public. Visionary Leader President Bush, who desperately needed aShow MoreRelatedSynthesis Essay - Steve Jobs1955 Words   |  8 Pagesbelittled his employees. He treated them with disrespect and had little tolerance for intellectual empathy. He relied on emotive content and bully tactics to achieve results. Steve Jobs was a Visionary Leader and an Unethical Leader. This claim will be expanded by exploring how Jobs took Apple from the brink of failing to one of the most successful companies on the planet but failed miserably as an ethical leader by treating his employees so terribly. I will also explain how Jobs’ leadershipRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 Pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What Do Managers Do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managerial Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managerial Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What Resources Do Managers Use? . . . . . . . . . What Skills Are Needed by Today’s Managers? . What Are the Differences in Managing in For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Organizations? . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagespermission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturersRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words   |  534 PagesRESOURCE INVESTMENT CONSIDERATIONS ...6 INVESTMENTS IN TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ..... 14 INVESTMENT PRACTICES FOR IMPROVED RETENTION ............................................................ 32 INVESTMENTS IN JOB-SECURE WORKFORCES .......... 42 ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES ............................................................. 56 NONTRADITIONAL INVESTMENT APPROACHES ......... 58 SUMMARY............................................................... 67 NOTES...............Read MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words   |  604 PagesIdentify the three different roles of HR management. Discuss the three dimensions associated with HR management as a strategic business contributor. Explain why HR professionals and operating managers must view HR management as an interface. Discuss why ethical issues and professionalism affect HR management as a career field. ââ€"  ââ€"  ââ€"  ââ€"  ââ€"  3 HR TRANSITIONS HR Management Contributes to Organizational Success More effective management of human resources (HR) increasingly is being seen asRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pagesaccordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 TottenhamRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 Pages Student support from an experienced student user Ask your local representative for details! Collaborate with your colleagues, find a mentor, attend virtual and live events, and view resources www.WhereFacultyConnect.com Pre-loaded, ready-to-use assignments and presentations www.wiley.com/college/quickstart Technical Support 24/7 FAQs, online chat, and phone support www.wileyplus.com/support Your WileyPLUS Account Manager Training and implementation support www.wileyplus.com/accountmanager Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagespermission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. Many of the designations by manufacturers and seller to distinguish their productsRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pages Hanken Business School, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland This book makes it easier to understand the current stand of organization theory. I strongly recommend it to anyone seriously interested in the different intellectual traditions that contribute to our understanding of organizations. Professor Tomas Mà ¼llern, Jà ¶nkà ¶ping International Business School, Sweden . McAuley, Duberley and Johnson’s Organizational Theory takes you on a joyful ride through the developmentsRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 PagesStarbucks, we have moved Entrepreneurial Adventures up to the front of the book. We have continued Marketing Wars, which many of you recommended, and reinstated Comebacks of firms iii iv †¢ Preface rising from adversity. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Issue Of Illegal Immigrants Essay - 1374 Words

DOUBLE JEOPARDY Although the constitution gives us many of the rights we enjoy every day some of us are not that fortunate. Convicted felons in many states have forever lost those rights. Because they have completed their sentence’s and paid their debt to society, shouldn’t they be able to have a say in what goes on in the world that they too live in? Therefore, being able to reinstate their right to vote. Felons should have the right to vote no matter what their past may be. To get a better idea of how important this issue is we will be looking at several things. The impact felony disenfranchisement has on the voting nation, the people who were for and against felony disenfranchisement, which states allow felons to vote, several facts on the history of disenfranchisement, how other countries handle felons voting compared to the United States, and the issue of illegal immigrants getting to vote but not the felons. The men and women that are released from prison every year face many challenges in reentering the world. They must find employment, a place to live, and stay out of trouble. So, at first, losing the right to vote does not sound so important. However, history shows that being an active, participating member of society helps with rehabilitation. It also can have a major impact on the community and the elections. The issue of disenfranchisement gained awareness in 2000 after the extremely close election between republican George W. Bush and democratic nominee AlbertShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Illegal Immigrants Essay1370 Words   |  6 Pageswhat their past may be. To get a better idea of how important this issue is we will be looking at several things. The impact felony disenfranchisement has on the voting nation, the people who were for and against felony disenfranchisement, which states allow felons to vote, several facts on the history of disenfranchisement, how other countries handle felons voting compared to the United States, and the issue of illegal immigrants getting to vote but not the felons. The men and women that are releasedRead MoreThe Issue Of Illegal Immigrants2135 Words   |  9 Pagesbe allowed to enter the United States has been an issue for many years, with the large number of people entering and living here illegally this has become a significant talking point amongst the candidates in this presidential election. But are their views something that should be shared and supported by Christians today? There are definitely two opposing views from Christians on this topic. I will present both views regarding illegal immigrants in the United States and then I will present my ownRead MoreThe Issue Of Illegal Immigrants1441 Words   |  6 Pageshighly debate and criticize illegal immigration, arguing that illegal immigrants are drug addicted thieves who thrive off of stealing American’s jobs and harming the United States labor force and the economy. As the immigration rate progressively rise’s it simultaneously concerns those who favor strict immigratio n laws and believe that illegal immigrants are harming the United States. However, these assumptions are hardly fact based and people fail to acknowledge that immigrants are human beings who onlyRead MoreThe Issue Over Illegal Immigrants1594 Words   |  7 PagesIs our government giving false reassurance concerning the risk of infectious diseases being spread by illegal immigrants? Are they basing our risk of infection on another country study results who â€Å"closely matches our TB program? Has the debate and concern over illegal immigrants in the United States sparked fears among health authorities about the spread of tuberculosis? According to a medical news article entitled, History of Tuberculosis, â€Å"Tuberculosis has around since ancient times, it existedRead MoreIllegal Immigrants : A Controversial And Key Immigration Issue1225 Words   |  5 PagesThe Illegal immigrant population in the United States is a controversial and key immigration issue. Our Author John Savan t (2009) talks about illegal immigrants in his article â€Å"Imaging the Immigrant: Why legality must give way to humanity†. He is a professor of English at Dominican University of California. Illegal immigrants immigrate in search of a better life. On the other side author Lamar Smith (2014) talks about legalization of illegal immigrant in his article â€Å" Should illegal immigrants beRead MoreIllegal Immigration Become A National Security Issue Since Illegal Immigrants926 Words   |  4 Pagesmore secured from what it used to be prior to the terrorist attacks (CBP, 2009, p. 5). The main reason is due to illegal immigration becoming a national security issue since illegal immigration can create opportunities for terrorists to commit terrorist attacks in the homeland by importing weapons and terrorist personal to the United States via smuggling routes that illegal immigrants use when they cross the border (CBP, 2009, p. 6). However, if suddenly the border was to be made less open and moreRead MoreEssay about The Issue of Illegal Immigrants from Mexico853 Words   |  4 PagesThe Issue of Illegal Immigrants from Mexico One of the most controversial political issues of today is that of illegal immigrants from Mexico. Illegal immigration into the United States is a problem that should be stopped, as it is unfair to both Americans and to the people of the country from which they illegal immigrated. It is that the majority of illegal aliens residing in the United States are Mexicans. Roy Beck clarifies the situation by stating, The national consensus is that theRead MoreEssay about Illegal Immigration in the United States932 Words   |  4 PagesIllegal immigration in the US is and has been an ongoing battle for many years. According to legal-dictionary an illegal immigrant is define as an alien (non-citizen) who has entered the united sates without government permission or stayed beyond the termination date of a visa. There are many problems that occur such as overpopulation, raising crime rates and unemployment. Some Americans have issues with illegal immigration and some do not. Those with th e issues are concerned about illegal immigrantsRead MoreImmigrants Fear of Crime and Lack of Confidence991 Words   |  4 PagesILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ISSUE [Student name] [Instructor name] DATE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ISSUE The illegal immigrant is one who migrates into a country violating the procedures and laws of immigration of that country. There are many problems associated with illegal immigration both for the host country and the illegal immigrant. These problems are economic, political, and social. OBJECTIVE The object of this study is to design a research study that deals with immigrants fear of crime and lackRead MoreIllegal Immigration In The United States Essay1217 Words   |  5 PagesNational Issues Paper: Illegal Immigration There are more than 10 million illegal immigrants living in the United Sates, and each day that number is increasing by 1,400 illegal aliens. An illegal immigrant is a foreigner who either illegally crossed an international political border, whether it was by land, sea or air, or whether it be a foreigner who legally entered a country but nevertheless overstayed their visa in order to live and/or work there. The two focal attractions that the illegal immigrants

Sunday, December 15, 2019

First Language vs Second Language Free Essays

LEDESMA, JUDIELLE G. TESL ABE 3-1NOVEMBER 12, 2012 A. 1. We will write a custom essay sample on First Language vs Second Language or any similar topic only for you Order Now Differences between First Language and Second Language | First Language| Second Language| Definition| any language other than English that a child was exposed to during early development and continues to be exposed to in the home or community| any language learned after the first language or mother tongue | Basis for learning| universal grammar alone| knowledge of the first language also serves as a basis for learning the second language| Learning Process| children spend several years listening to language, babbling, and using telegraphic speech before they can form sentences| in older learners, learning is more rapid and people are able to form sentences within a shorter period of time;Learning in older learners, learners are able to use more metacognitive processes in their learning. They can consciously analyse and manipulate grammatical structures, and they can explicitly describe how language works. | Practice| learners have many chances to practice with native speakers| learners may or may not have the opportunity to practice extensively with native speakers| Acquis ition| Almost everyone acquires a first language;happens naturally| not everyone acquires a second language;often requires conscious effort on the part of the learner| 2. Differences Between Second Language and Foreign Language English as a Second Language (ESL or TESL) also refers to specialized approaches to language teaching designed for those whose primary language is not English (Nordquist, English as a Second Language). English as a Second Language corresponds roughly to the Outer Circle described by linguist Braj Kachru in â€Å"Standards, Codification and Sociolinguistic Realism: The English Language in the Outer Circle† (1985). A foreign language is a language that is from a country other than one’s native country. Foreign languages are usually learned for the sake of learning about the culture and people who speak it. For example, some people learn ancient Greek for a deeper understanding of the early philosophers from reading their works in their original language. (www. education. brookes. ac. uk/) Foreign language is basically a non-maternal language that you’re learning on purpose rather than naturally. Being in a foreign language environment means that the learner will rarely, if ever, have opportunity for exposure to the target language outside of the classroom (Bilash, 2009). 3. Learning and Acquisition Acquisition is the act of getting knowledge unconsciously. Children acquire knowledge from the time they were born in this world. Learning is acquiring or getting knowledge of a subject of a skill by study, experience, or instruction—consciously. (Corder, 2007). Children acquire language through a subconscious process during which they are unaware of grammatical rules. This is similar to the way they acquire their first language. They get a feel for what is and what isn’t correct. In order to acquire language, the learner needs a source of natural communication. The emphasis is on the text of the communication and not on the form. Young students who are in the process of acquiring English get plenty of â€Å"on the job† practice. They readily acquire the language to communicate with classmates. Language learning, on the other hand, is not communicative. It is the result of direct instruction in the rules of language. And it certainly is not an age-appropriate activity for your young learners. In language learning, students have conscious knowledge of the new language and can talk about that knowledge. They can fill in the blanks on a grammar page. Research has shown, however, that knowing grammar rules does not necessarily result in good speaking or writing. A student who has memorized the rules of the language may be able to succeed on a standardized test of English language but may not be able to speak or write correctly. (Judy Haynes, Language Acquisition vs. Language Learning). 4. Second Language Learning and Bilingualism Second-language learning is the process by which people learn a second language. Bilingualism refers to the ability to speak two languages. It may be acquired early by children in regions where most adults speak two languages. Bilingualism  can also refer to the use of two languages in teaching, especially to foster learning in students trying to learn a new language (Concise Encyclopedia). Bilinguals are often broadly de? ned as individuals or groups of people who obtain the knowledge and use of more than one language. However, bilingualism is a complex psychological and socio-cultural linguistic behaviour and has multi-dimensional aspects. There is no agreed-upon de? nition of bilingualism among researchers (Bhatia and Ritchie, 2004). 5. Theory and Practice In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not. Albert Einstein Theory is a set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena (www. thefreedictionary. com). Practice is the actual a pplication or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories relating to it (http://oxforddictionaries. com). It is an exercise and application of any task or theory or in other words translation of an idea into action. B. Define the following: 1. Approach -this is the your own personal philosophy of teaching. –  The method used in dealing with or accomplishing(thefreedictionary. com) -Method is the practical of the objective of teaching in the classroom in a variety of audiences and contexts. The objects are related to material, sequencing, teacher-student roles and behaviors, linguistic and subject-matter objectives (www. shvoong. com). 2. Method – An orderly procedure or process; regular manner of doing anything; hence, manner; way; mode; as, a method of teaching languages; a method of improving the mind. -Orderly arrangement, elucidation, development, or classification; clear and lucid exhibition; systematic arrangement peculiar to an individual. -Classification; a mode or system of classifying natural objects according to certain common characteristics; as, the method of Theophrastus; the method of Ray; the Linnaean method (www. brainyquote. com) 3. Design Dick Buchanan offered us his formal definition of Design: â€Å"Design is the human power to conceive, plan, and realize products that serve human beings in the accomplishment of any individual or collective purpose. † This is a formal definition, meaning it is fairly rigorous and also fairly dry. Ther e are other, descriptive definitions that are livelier: â€Å"Design is making things right. † –Ralph Kaplan. â€Å"Design is the glimmer in God’s eye. † –Anonymous 4. Procedure – an established or official way of doing something – A fixed, step-by-step sequence of activities or course of action (with definite start and end points) that must be followed in the same order to correctly perform a task. Repetitive procedures are called routines (www. businessdictionary. com) How to cite First Language vs Second Language, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Implications for Managers HRM and Performance

Question: Discuss about the Implications for Managers for HRM and Performance. Answer: Thesis Statement: Understanding the affect of the change in business environment of UAE on the management work place environment of Partex Oil and Gas Group. The Partex Oil and Gas Limited is a UAE based company located in Middle East which is pioneer in exploration and development of oil fields. The companys main goal is to develop upstream oil production in the country. Recently, there have been several changes in the crude oil price in international market. The prices have reduced drastically from $115 barrel in July 2015 to less than $30 barrel in 2016. The sharp fall in price has put the company in a difficult situation as it has lowered their earnings and affected their annual turnover (Partex-oilgas.com 2016). In the state of such economic change in the business environment, the company has to make certain changes in its working environment and organizational culture to cope up with the situation. The company basically has an autocratic system of management where the decisions are taken by the top management groups. In this case the employees are regarded as subordinates who need to be controlled and are suppose to follow the rules and regulation of the company (Truss, Mankin and Kelliher 2012).. The company needs to change the system to democratic and participative management system to deal the situation effectively (Veld 2012).Moreover, the cultural diversity need to be managed as it affects the managerial attitude, ideology, and technology transfer and business relationship. The HR department plays an important role in developing the communication system with the employees and creating the work culture in the organization. Therefore, to bring participative management system, the top managers of the company has to take steps to change the HR policies towards the employees and create a friendly working environment in the organization. The employees can share their views with the management and help the management in finding solution under the crisis. In this regard human resource department should consider cross cultural management practices and upgrade their general standardised HRM practices to international HRM practices. The HR department has to develop some new skills of interaction with the employees, make the rules slightly flexible so that the employees are free to share their ideas and feel the ownership for the company. The person who takes initiative to help the management to come out of the crisis should be given recognition and incentives so that it encourages other employees of the company. To attain good cooperation from the employees, HR department has to develop a better understanding of the firm, markets and business model. The price of oil has reduced and this has made the business unprofitable as upstream production of oil need huge cost of production (Guest, Paauwe and Wright 2012). The situation then demands a change of business model. The employee can cooperate in reducing the upstream production and agreeing to start downstream oil production that will help in diversifying the products and produce oil refineries which are used for various purposes. All this demands the implementation of SHRM policies to manage required production and the employees cooperation so that cost of production can be reduced and product diversification can be achieved. SHRM gets applicable only if there is some change in the business model and the management character of the firm has to change its autocratic style to participative style to run the business successfully. Further, the organization can consider Comparative Human Resource Management practices to understand the differences between HRM policies of different countries and try to adopt the most suitable Strategic Human Resource policies. References Guest, D., Paauwe, J. and Wright, P. 2012.HRM and Performance. Hoboken: Wiley. Partex-oilgas.com. 2016.PARTEX OIL AND GAS. [online] Available at: https://www.partex-oilgas.com/ [Accessed 7 Jul. 2016]. Truss, C., Mankin, D. and Kelliher, C. 2012.Strategic human resource management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Veld, M. 2012.HRM, strategic climate and employee outcomes in hospitals. Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Letters to the President free essay sample

â€Å"Letters to the President† is Hawk Nelson’s debut album. This group is so new to the scene you might be asking, â€Å"Who the heck is Hawk Nelson, anyway?† Well, they are a Christian punk-rock band that has hit it big! With their chart-topping hits â€Å"Take Me† and â€Å"Right Here,† you can’t help but fall head-over-heels in love with them. Their punk-rock music styling, mixed with Christian lyrics, has created an ,ber-genre which will attract teens from all over. Every song has an underlying message that basically says to follow God. Most punk rockers complain about how hard life was, is, or will be, but Hawk Nelson takes a different approach. Instead of complaining, they teach you to follow God. Hawk Nelson’s style is mostly punk rock, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t branch out: â€Å"From Underneath† and â€Å"36 Days† are both soft-rock songs that teach you to cherish every minute since you never really know what will happen. We will write a custom essay sample on Letters to the President or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And then there is â€Å"Like a Race Car,† which is sort of like Linkin Park minus the rapping. Hawk Nelson is probably going to end up in the hands of not only Christian music listeners, but punk rock listeners, too. Their music is universal. Buy the album, listen to it, and have your friends listen, too. Trust me, the word will spread. .

Monday, November 25, 2019

6 Things You Must Ask Before Accepting a Job Offer

6 Things You Must Ask Before Accepting a Job Offer Got the job? Great. Now you need a crash course in negotiating. Don’t be too difficult or demanding, but do ask for what you want and need- respectfully and professionally. Here are 6 things to make sure you discuss before you sign the contract.1. The Money You WantSalary is the number one negotiated term for any new position. Do your research into the industry standards for your position, taking into account any extra expertise you might have- or any missing links. If you’re going to ask for more money, be prepared to explain why you deserve it. And why it would be in their best interests to spend the extra cash to get you on board.2. SweetenersIf you’re lucky enough to be in a field that typically offers signing bonuses, that can help mitigate a slightly lower salary offer. Again, do your research. Don’t ask for anything extortionate or too far out of the ordinary. But do use it as leverage if the hiring manager says they’d really like to offer yo u a higher salary, but they just don’t have the authorization. Maybe they can get the authorization for a signing bonus.3. Vacay DaysTime off is important to most of us. It might even be more important to you than your annual salary. If this is your main demand, you can ease up on the money talk and ask for compensation in more vacation days. Don’t forget to mention that your productivity increases exponentially when you have time off to reset.  4. Regular ReviewsHungry to get up the ladder? Not totally jazzed by your new job title? Make sure to formally request performance reviews. If you’re doing your job well, this is the surest way to title bumps and increased compensation. Show ‘em what you’ve got!5. Moving MoneyIf you need to uproot and go halfway across the country, be sure to ask for relocation assistance. Most companies have a separate budget for this. Be sure to go into the negotiation with a clear idea of how much your move is going to cost so you know how much you’ll need to ask for.  6. The Opportunity for FlexibilityThis can be a tough one, since the company doesn’t know your work style yet. They don’t know how productive and fabulous you are, because you haven’t shown them. But if schedule freedom is that important to you, or to your work, it’s okay to mention it in these initial negotiations.Remember: negotiating isn’t easy. And salary is just one piece of the puzzle. Make sure you know what your needs and wishes are, then rank them in order of importance. You can’t ask for everything right out of the gate, but you can (and should) ask for the most important.

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Critique of Lost Names, a Book by Richard E. Kim

A Critique of Lost Names, a Book by Richard E. Kim Love Conquers Hate In the book Lost [1] Names by Richard E. Kim, the Koreans ingenuity from experience bolsters Edward Siedensticker’s opinion that Lost Names is not a poem of hate, but a poem of love. The Koreans in Lost Names do not fight the Japanese’s hatred with hatred back to the Japanese. The Korean people understood that fighting the Japanese’s violence and hatred would result in death and damage for both sides, and keep adding to their suffering. When the Koreans realize the consequences of fighting with hate, they wisely choose to fight the Japanese with love. A wise man would know not to fight violence with violence. Back when Koreans and Japanese had a rough relationship; the Japanese kept the Korean people hostage, increased famine for the Koreans, and forbid the from practicing their culture. Temporarily, the Koreans people wanted to take revenge on the Japanese for causing great suffering for the people. The Koreans realized that in the long run, making the Japanese suffer would be useless and a waste of time. The narrator and his father came to the conclusion that making peace with the Japanese and forgetting all their past mishaps would be beneficial for the Korean and the Japanese people. The following passage supports my reasoning: â€Å"Please help us! Please help us!†, he is saying. [] â€Å"Get up†, the narrator says to the man and his wife, â€Å"My father would have saved you† (159). The narrator may not have been willing to let the man and his wife in if he just thought about it for a few seconds. He t ook his time to really think about what the right thing to do was. Being nicer to the Japanese may not benefit the narrator and his people now, but as times change the narrator and his father know that peace would be the best for their people. As the narrator knows how it would feel to be treated unfairly from the Japanese, like when the narrator had his culture taken away from him and being beaten constantly from the Japanese; all because the Koreans are seen as inferior through the Japanese’s eyes. The narrator’s occurrences make him realize why his father is kind to the Japanese when the Japanese are cruel to the Koreans. The narrator’s realization implies that he is learning to fight with love not hate in the passage. Secondarily, the Koreans changed their views of the Japanese because they knew how it felt to be treated immorally. The following quote from Lost Names supports my assertion, â€Å"A youngman with a shotgun is running into the house from the west gate shouting, A man from the police is coming sir! My father says, Bring him in. [] We will turn them over to you, provided the issue of your receipt, we accept your terms, says the narrator’s father† (188). The passage rehashes the idea that the Korean people are learning from the wise ways of the narrator’s father. The narrator’s father does not go up to the shameful Japanese and beat them up for all the things they have done to the Korean people, instead he politely asks for a receipt and makes a compromise. The Koreans want to ruin the Japanese, but they learn that making peace would be the better option from the narrator’s father. His father sets a good example to the Koreans and the Japanese with h is respectful actions. The narrator learns from the father how to fight hate with love, and they teach the other Koreans. The Koreans shrewdness makes Lost Names a poem of love. As the evidence displays above, the poem of love is dominant over the poem of hate in Lost Names. Although there are examples of violence and hatred from the Japanese, the Koreans wisely don’t act for revenge, which diminishes the idea that Lost Names could be a poem of hatred alludes to that Lost Names is a poem of love. The end of Lost Names foreshadows that the Japanese and the Koreans have made peace with each other.The theme from the Lost Names teaches a good lesson; fight hate with love, and make peace.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

IPv6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IPv6 - Essay Example The 32-bit addressing system employs packet switching to facilitate communication. IPv4 can thus be treated as an upgrade of IPV4, to improve the IP protocol system. There are a number of significant dereferences between the two protocols that will be essential in determining one’s choice for usage. Discussed below are the major differences: Address length- IPv4 is a 32 bit address while IPv6 is a 128 bit. This is the basic difference observable at a glance. These DNS names differ by a wide margin if compared by the number of addresses each can yield. In fact, to completely cover the IPv6 address, it is written in hexadecimal numbers as compared to IPv4 written in dotted decimal numbers. This forms of representation are all interpreted in form of binary numbers by the computers (Huitema, 1996). Packet header-generally, packet headers are always affixed at the start of Internet protocol addresses. It normally contains the address of the destination of a given packet. IPv4 has got packet headers only. This differs from IPv6 that has the header, although with more advanced functionalities. The header of IPv4 is 20 bits as compared to the 40 bits of IPv6. The advancement in the header allows addition of extension headers, a functionality not provided for by IPv4 computers (Huitema, 1996). Address resolution- the process of address resolution involves mapping of various IP addresses to the MAC address or rather, a link address. IPv4 employs the RFC 826. This is an Ethernet address resolution protocol. This resolution protocol has over the years exposed users to cyber threats because the protocol is within the link layer. IPv6 on the other hand makes use of Neighbor discovery Address resolution. Its protection is secured because the IPSec is employed to secure the connection in tunnel or transport mode (Amoss, & Minoli, 2008). Configuration- users of IPv4 have to ensure all configurations are done prior to internet usage. The IP address and routes

Monday, November 18, 2019

Post-Stonewall LGBTQ Civil Rights and Lesbian Feminism (responses) Assignment

Post-Stonewall LGBTQ Civil Rights and Lesbian Feminism (responses) - Assignment Example gard, the topic is properly covered by the writer; however, the major issue that arising in relation to his/her presentation is that he/she did not focus on other extra information, but rather focused strictly on answering the three major questions that guided the task. The writer begins properly by providing a discussion the directly answers question one. He/she goes further provides supportive information regarding the facets of the first question. However, discussions regarding the second and the third questions are presented in a vague and a generalized manner, with the writer using only one in-text citation. In addition, he/she goes further and describes the pertinence of the week’s reading towards enhancing his/her understanding of the issues of LBGTQ community. There is also the use of poor language i.e. â€Å"we realize† and lack of adequate referencing. However, the entire presentation is quite appropriate as it depicts that the writer made an attempt to answer all the research questions, except for the vague discussion of question 2 and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Explanation of Human Behavior Essay Example for Free

Explanation of Human Behavior Essay Psychology is a vast field that studies the behavior of a person. Because of psychology there is a better understanding of the disorders people may be affected by, the choices people make, and even the sexuality of the human race is understood by psychology. How psychology came to be, is a question that I had asked myself in the past. When researchers chose to directly observe psychological events, such as timed reactions, 130 years ago, psychology emerged into a scientific field of its own. The first psychological lab was created in 1879 by Wilhelm Wandr. Since the field of psychology was originally developed by Caucasian males, many beliefs were biased. As the field of psychology has grown, so has the diversity involved in psychological study; leaving us with more accurate understanding. As I happened to mention earlier, psychology is a vast field. This leaves room for many different perspectives. There are three primary perspectives with several sub-fields of psychology. First there is the biological perspective which includes biopsychology and evolutionary psychology. Second, is the psychological perspective that includes behaviorism, cognitive psychology, the psycho-dynamic approach, and humanism. The third perspective of psychology is the sociocultural perspective. Together, these three perspectives and their sub-fields have helped in advancing knowledge in the field. A long standing debate in the field of psychology is the effect of nature and nurture on a person’s behavioral development. I feel that both are equally important factors in how a person behaves. Some people are born with psychological disorders, but their upbringing helps them live a comfortable life without being controlled by their disorder. Others grow up in a bad environment that brings out the worst of their disorders. There are some people who aren’t born with psychological disorders, but develop some over time due to their upbringing. For example, I was born without any  abnormalities and was completely healthy. Unfortunately I was born into a family of addiction and violence. As a child I was sexually, physically, and emotionally abused. As a result of this abuse I suffered from depression and even now as an adult, many of my choices are influenced by the environment I grew in. I do feel that a lot of personal choices are in our own control, though. Another example, though I was raised in the type of family I was raised in, I chose to be better. I chose to break the pattern of addiction and abuse and become a better person. I know other people who grew up in the same situation as me, and they choose to follow the path and they choose to carry a grudge that the world owes them something. I feel there are too many factors involved in behavior for it to be caused by only one perspective. Reference Mitterer, Coon. Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior with Concept Maps and Reviews (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Cengage Learning.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Effect of Divorce on Children Essay examples -- Sociology Parentin

The Effect of Divorce on Children Works Cited Missing Divorce is always a traumatic experience in a person's life, especially a child's. When parents divorce, children are not always considered during the settlement. This omission can lead to problems with the child's perception of daily life. The impact divorce has on a family is more prominent to the children of the family than the parents. As a child, there are many situations that affect a view, memory, opinion, or attitude. Children have many of their own daily struggles to cope with, such as peer pressure. Adults sometimes forget what it is like to be a child dealing with some of the childhood pressures. Many parents do not realize how something like divorce could possibly affect their children as much as it does themselves. As the case may be, children are strongly affected by divorce. Some react differently than others, but all experience some kind of emotional change. Parents who are going through a divorce sometimes try to shield their children from the situation. But regardless of their parents good intentions, children often find themselves in an emotional catastrophe. Instead of protection from the situation, children need support and reassurance during this hard time. Parents feel like it is their job to protect their children from the same kinds of anguish and stress that they feel during the divorce. But ignoring this only leads to more unwanted stress. Parents should help their children better understand what changes will be taking place in the future, such as new places to live, new ways of communicating with their parents, and new schedules of daily life. There are many factors that affect a child's reaction to divorce. Their rea... ...ince fathers usually make more money and have more economic resources, if they were to get remarried, children in the new family would be better off because getting remarried usually results in higher incomes. It may not be possible to make every marriage a happy one or to always avoid divorce. Some spouses even have no choice when their mates leave them. But it's time to change all of this and lead these children to better adult lives. These children are the future and without them functioning correctly, the generations to come may also be affected in great ways. With a little more encouragement from our society, many of the same parents who would literally run in front of a speeding car to save their child from death might consider working harder at creating a better marriage to help our future generations (Betsy Hart: Time to Change the 'Divorce Debate').

Monday, November 11, 2019

12 Step Meeting. Summary

Meeting How did the meeting start? It all started with an opening speech from the guest speaker who was once an alcoholic and has been sober for over rays. Was one of the 12 Steps discussed, or many? Yes, all 12 steps were discussed In brief during the meeting since It was the first 12 steps meeting for this new group. Was there a personal testimonial? Yes, the floor was opened to all members who are willing to share their personal testimonies. Eleven people shared their personal testimonies during the meeting.What did you like about the meeting? The sense of belonging that was given to each member without condemnation was very inspiring to me. Members were able to share their personal alcohol issues without been ashamed or laughed at by other members. What did you dislike? It requires genuine honesty for success. For which individuals does a 12 step approach work best? This works best for individuals who are ready to be committed to the program and also ready to welcome the support group into his life by been open minded.Which individuals does a 12 step not work well? Anyone who doesn't open up to members for support. Please include a one to two page typed summary of the meeting which incorporates an overview of the meeting along with your thoughts, feelings, and overall experience. The meeting started with an opening speech by the guest speaker who also was an alcoholic and has been sober for arrears. The guest speaker started by sharing his personal issues with alcohol, how he overcame it and the consequences he suffered while he was an alcoholic.The guest speaker was able to relate with each member based on the common ground they all share that is, alcoholic. He then opens the floor to members to share their personal testimonial with the group. Eleven members stood up to share, and they all began their statement the same way; â€Å"My name is†¦ And I'm and alcoholic†. The 12 steps were introduced to the new members and how to use each step was d iscussed. The speaker spoke about the challenges and temptations he faced in other to remain sober and how he overcame each imitation each day till date.Also, also reinforced on the importance for staying focus and truthful to the program. Each member took the pledge to remain truthful to the program and to stick to its requirements. The meeting was an eye opening experience for me because each member was able to relate with one another regardless of their race, culture or socioeconomic class. They all developed an open relationship with one another. I came to conclusion that, having a sense of belonging is the best support group

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Fundamental Techniques In Handling People

He or she also does not want to let the unhappy result to be happened. Hence, the first part has taught me that prudence which is a value known as practical wisdom ought to be implemented by anyone of us. I have learned that someone has to think twice or thrice before he or she behaves and talks. This is because people will remember what we talked to them especially the complaint and praise. Criticism and blaming will make people feel very down, angry, and even to be discouraged.Besides, I learnt to think deliberately with unhurried manner in order to give out the most appropriate responses when dealing with different people under different situations. Prudence is the exact opposite of impulsiveness and rashness. If we do not think deeply before our every action or speech, we may hurt someone's fragile feeling as humans are creatures of emotion who have high self-esteem. Humans are always afraid of criticism, prejudices, and complaint. Most of us are not willing to face the imperfect side of us but always wish to hear good words from others. M trying not to blame others of their faults even the serious ones. However, I try to stand in their shoes and understand their difficulties by showing loving kindness. We should not expect any forgiveness from the God f we are not willing to forgive others' offenses. From this, have learned to forgive people without any criticism, complaint, and judgment. I learnt to speak good words of others instead of learning how to gossip about people and talk about their bad words. Like what Benjamin Franklin has mentioned about that he only speak all the good things he know of everybody and would not speak ill of anyone.I was so amazed by the way of Bob Hoover in giving response to the careless young man after the mechanic fueled in jet fuel rather than gasoline to propeller plane. This famous pilot, Bob Hoover gave a second chance to that young man in servicing his F-51 on the next day. Bob knew criticism and scolding only can prod uce futility and resentment. This will cause the person who is being criticized tends to just#y' himself or herself even lose their confidence when having daily performances in workplaces, at home, in school, and et. Tetra In other words, criticism may bring out unpleasant past experiences to some people, this may push them into a wrong route which involve in various illegal activities. I have realized anger can be aroused by criticism. Thus, people would be demoralized as anger sakes a bad situation to be worse. I will avoid criticizing people. On the other hand, honesty has to be shown in praising and appreciating others' effort. Never ignore the good deeds people have done to us. Showing our appreciation actually is a kind of gratitude.Sense of appreciation and thanks for people' generous acts are able to satisfy the desire to be important in human. The desire to be great is the strongest natural craving of everyone. Have learned to encourage my surrounding people with sincere ap preciation because the one who receives the encouragement and appreciation will keep n doing the right thing. If one does not get any attention from anyone after giving so much, that person will definitely feel very disappointed because all of their effort came out with nothing.Being sincere and not fake in praising people, this is also showing approval to a person. Flattering people to win friends is an act of doing harm to people. I learnt to understand people' feelings of not being acknowledged, so honest and sincere appreciation are like very important gifts to everyone. A great man should not be self-centered as he or she should always care about others. We need to care about others' needs and help people to solve their problem are the acts to arouse in the other person an eager want.By expressing our enthusiasm and passion to find out the root reason of causing someone's problem as well as their wants, we can be a friendly and helpful person. I also learnt to be thoughtful of people' point of view without mention and emphasize my own ideas only. I am trying to make my ideas to become others' inspiration in creating more great ideas. If we are really wanting and hoping to get the helping hands from others, we must know about what they ant at first. While confronting any disagreement, the wise action is keeping a cool-head which means to be rational in handling the particular situation.We need to calm down in order to think of the best way in coping with the difficult condition. To avoid any argument, I have learned that we have to give priority to the other party instead of ourselves. The author, Mr.. Dale Carnegie described his past experience of negotiating with a hotel manager. The manager increased his rent for the ballroom to 300 percent. Then, he communicated with the hotel manager in a polite way by stating out all the advantages and disadvantages that were going to accrue the manager.In the end, both parties gained what they wanted. Carnegie merel y discussed what the other person wanted and how he could get it without throw tantrum to the manager in office. Before persuading people, ones must clearly know the benefits and disadvantages of both parties. In brief, I am so sure that the several basic skills in handling people I have learned in this chapter will enable me to get a good job after graduated as the employers nowadays are searching for employees who are able to deal with people skillfully. (999 words)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Disabilities Essay Essay Example

Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Disabilities Essay Essay Example Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Disabilities Essay Essay Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Disabilities Essay Essay When it comes to pupils. teacher’s functions in finding how to learn a pupil with emotional and behavior upset. Physical disablements and Health Impairments. Traumatic Brain hurt. Hearing damages. and Ocular damages is to make an environment in which all pupils can experience safe and can take part to the best of their abilities. When it comes to turn outing a positive acquisition environment for pupils who has disablements it can be a great challenge within the schoolroom cause each pupil has their really ain demands. rational and physical abilities. perceptual experiences and most of all acquisition manners which may change for each pupil. It is really of import to cognize the pupils demands and place and countries of course of study before learning a pupil because may show jobs for them. In order to make that a instructor most have some instruction schemes that they can modify in order to assist learn their pupil who have disablements where it can assist place the pupils particular demands and it will offer schemes for the instructors to set within a lesson program to learn and give all pupils a alteration to success in larning. There are tonss of schemes instructors can utilize for illustration. when it comes to pupils with emotional and behavior upsets may pupils may hold gifts or even larning disablements in which instance can split from outlooks or even from criterions of behaviours. Some instruction schemes that learning can utilize for a pupil with emotional and behavior upsets are a teacher demand to work long term betterments without anticipating immediate and strong success from the pupil. seek to expose pupils with behavior upset to pupils who are non particular demand. Try and allow pupils to walk around schoolroom and talk with the pupils about what they like or dislike assisting learn about the pupil strength and failing to be able to get down doing an lineation of a lesson program for them. Structure regulations. a agenda for the pupil. set up the room for pupils comfort for a more conductive acquisition environment for the pupils to larn in. instructors need to setup pupils a manner to other mercantile establishments ways to cut down defeat and angry by theoretical account and function playing appropriate behaviour for them to see. 2010 McGraw Hill ) Most of import I think a instructor and make besides is make a cool off topographic point within the category for the pupil to quiet down one time they become defeated or angry it can assist pattern and reenforce proper behaviour from the pupils one they have common down which will assist the instructor to maintain everyone else composure. Last they need to pass on with other instructors and the pu pil parent to maintain the line of communicating unfastened about the pupil instruction. There are tonss of different characters of pupils with emotional and behavior upset and some illustrations are contending and hitting. acquiring out of their sets. upseting others by shouting and speaking loud. destructing things by throwing. make non like to follow orders and some expletives a batch in which instances some can non assist it. Next there are Physical disablements and Health Impairments where pupil are non able to larning easy without aid. For illustration pupils with Physical disablements are those who have are orthopaedic damage in which one or more limbs are badly restricted and there are those who have wellness damage. 2010 McGraw Hill ) Some instruction schemes for instructors are to larn about particular devices or processs. assist other pupils and grownups understand and accept physically handicapped pupils and to maintain in head that some pupils in wheelchairs have full utilizations of their custodies and others do non. Most of import allow pupil to take part in all activities like field trips. particular events. undertakings and do certain they have full entree to the schoolroom and nil is blocked them in like them traveling down narrow hallways and heavy doors where they can non acquire out. 2010 McGraw Hill ) Some features of Physical and wellness damages are Mobility issues. weariness. weak musculus. attending engagement and Hypotonic-low musculus tone. Recently there is traumatic encephalon hurt ( TBI ) is a signifier of Acquired encephalon hurt. occurs when a sudden injury causes harm to the encephalon. TBI can ensue when the caput all of a sudden and violently hits an object. or when an object pierces the skull and enters encephalon tissue. 2013 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke ) Some instruction schemes for instructors are cut down distractions in the student’s work country like take excess pencils and books. Divide work into smaller subdivisions where the instructor have the pupil complete one subdivision at a clip. Ask the pupil to sum up information orally that has merely been presented. Use cue words to alarm the pupil to pay attending like â€Å"listen. † â€Å"look. † and â€Å"name† in conclusion set up a gestural cueing system by utilizing oculus contact and touch to remind the pupil to pay attending. 2000 TBI Challenge Vol. 4. No. 2 ) Some Features of a individual who h as traumatic encephalon hurt are concern. confusion. behavioural or temper alterations. and problem with memory. concentration. attending. or believing. A individual with a mild TBI may stay witting or may see a loss of consciousness for a few seconds or proceedingss. 2013 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke ) In decision what can I make to foster the self-esteem and self-government. and heighten the self-advocacy accomplishments. of pupils with emotional and behavioural upsets. physical and wellness damages. and traumatic encephalon hurt is to learn cognition and accomplishments to each pupils in other to go ego determined. Besides by set personal ends for each pupil and make actions programs to accomplish the ends each and every twenty-four hours. Second Make good picks that re appropriated and that applies to the pupils mundane lives. When it comes wholly down to the bottom line I will assist my full pupil achieve academic success. What can be done to assist regular pupils understand. regard. and react suitably to pupils with disablements in a category? I will post regard regulations on my schoolroom walls. door. even in the school hallways. I will state other pupils non to pigeonhole pupils that have disablements because it is non nice to mock or badger pupils who are different and if I do catch them they will allow them cognize that is disrespectful. I will state them to demo regard to them and seek to acquire to cognize them better before doing merriment of the disable if that do non work and they are non seeking to understand pupil with disablements I will maintain doing certain that every pupil I come across so discourtesy or even feel like they do non desire to be around one of the pupil I will merely state them in a composure but nice voice â€Å"Try to walk in their places for one time. †

Monday, November 4, 2019

Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Communication Research Paper

Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Communication - Research Paper Example Yes, but not too soon. I am answering this from a perspective of a single person. Self-disclosure is a liberating and in deepens a relationship but it should be done with timing and caution. Revealing too much too soon may scare the other party. Self-disclosure is appropriate when a certain degree of intimacy and length of being together has already been established. 3. What about gender differences? Remember, although research has found differences in gender communication, it has also found similarities. What kind of similarities between genders have you experienced?   I agree that each gender has different communication style. This was best illustrated in John Gray’s book Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus that tells that men communicate in exact quantifiable terms while women communicate in descriptive terms (1993). Still, this does not mean that they do not have a convergent point in communication. Both have a need to relate to each other emotionally, to be understood and to be appreciated. I felt that I do not fit into Terri Orbuch’s generalization because her study was based on married couples of which I am not. I would not know how to relate to the conclusion that couples of more than 50 years only communicate no more than three minutes in an hour long dinner (Orbuch, 2011). I agree however on her point of view that real communication involves really knowing and relating to the other person and not just a conversation about certain tasks. Orbuch, Terri (2011). Can we talk? Chicago Tribute. Retrieved from

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Graduates vs undergraduates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Graduates vs undergraduates - Essay Example Today, more than ever before nursing professionals are faced with challenges like catering to a global population, from diverse backgrounds and dealing with a whole host of problems that such situations throw up. Besides, with the advance of technology and an increased life span, the adult population with chronic illness makes up a significant percentage of today’s patients. In addition to healing the sick, nursing professionals today have to shoulder the added burden of the changing needs of their profession in order to deliver good and cost effective care to their patients. Holistic care that is based on the physical, mental and emotional well being of the patient is the goal of every nursing professional, whether graduate or undergraduate. A health care system, needs a human interface in order to translate a health care plan and maximize its benefits to the patient. This is one of the important roles carried out by the nursing profession. Besides delivering good and cost ef fective health care, the nursing professional must also be capable of focusing on prevention rather than on cure. Understanding advances in technology and using this knowledge to educate communities on ways to lead healthier lives is an important aspect of the entire nursing profession.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

A proposal for company market expansion scheduled for completion by Research Paper

A proposal for company market expansion scheduled for completion by 2023 - Research Paper Example It is an American company with its headquarters in Stamford. The company offers both hotel and leisure services. Some of the properties owned by the company include spas, resorts, vacation properties and hotels. More over, the corporation owns and operates franchises (Great Britain & British Oversees Trade Board, 2004). Background information of the Starwood Hotel and Resorts Starwood Hotel is an effusive incorporated owner, worker and franchisor of hotels. The company was initially established by the real estate investment firm called Starwood Capital. The intention of the formation was to take advantage of the tax break. Frits Van Paasschen is the current CEO. The Starwood Hotel and Resort Company have a chain of brands spread across the globe. They include Westin, Sheraton, W Hotels, St. Regis, Le Meridien, Aloft and Element. The company has over 1,134 properties in over 100 nations (Gibler, Gibler, & Anderson, 2010). Moreover, it has a global employee capacity of 154,000. Starwoo d enjoys massive marketing and customer retention through its program â€Å"Starwood Preferred Guest†. The program allows members to redeem points for services offered such as room stay and flights. It is imperative to note that the luxury hotels and resorts incorporated in the Starwood Company offer unique and authentic experiences that evoke lasting memories. Moreover, for any global voyager, the collection offers an entrance to the world’s most exhilarating and attractive destinations (Gibler, Gibler, & Anderson, 2010). The luxury hotels and resorts have exceptional and cherished appearance of the location, native charms and treasures. Starwood hotels and Resort Company embrace cultural diversity. This is the sole reason as to why it has extensively established across the globe. The company sustains an associate and clientele base as diverse as the globe’s population. The diverse brands spread all over the world give Starwood a distinctive cultural identity w hich accommodates diversity. This trend of operation embraced by the company’s management as created distinctive appeal in the global market. It is factual that, expanding the operations of the company to the United Arab Emirates may not be faced by cultural based complication (Hudson, 2010). This practice has enhanced the company’s objective of inclusion of people of all races with diverse political, economic and social backgrounds. Indeed, the culture of diversity in Starwood Hotels & Resorts, Inc. is further enhanced by unique blending and mining of the associates’ talents from across the globe. The top management commitment to ensure cultural diversity is enhanced in a shared responsibility with the chain of associates spread globally. According to the company’s interests, the Starwood intends to reduce the socio-cultural gap among the employees drawn from across the globe. This kind of integration satisfies the company’s values of internationa l cooperation and amalgamation (Hudson, 2010). This practice remains the key motivation to the success of the numerous centers of the company located all over the globe. Literature review The new market in the United Arab Emirates The extent and enormity of how much the UAE has developed in nature, predominantly in the last decade, is exemplary, even beyond the international standards. This tremendous expansion in political, social and economic areas has put the UAE in the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Miller said the Crucible Essay Example for Free

Miller said the Crucible Essay Miller emphasizes this by using short sentences with many pauses. The silence creates pathos for the characters from the audience. There is also a lot of questioning which reflects conflict and how the characters are helpless like a small child. This emotional togetherness of the Proctors contrasts greatly with their conflict with each other on pages 41-45: A sense of their separation arises p42. When the Proctors were together being able to live physically and sexually together they were separate but now they are about to be ripped apart they are emotionally together. Elizabeth speaks the last words of the play about John. This shows how their conflict has finally been resolved. This contrasts with the dramatic devices used in the next part of the scene after they begin to speak about Johns confession and when Hathorne comes in. This next part uses pauses and questioning as well to convey an interrogative atmosphere. It is no longer a personal scene- this part shows the community side to the play. There is a sharp conflict between the individual and the community in this scene but it is concentrated more on in the rest of the play. Another main theme in The Crucible is that of the conflict between innocence and experience/guilt. On page 110 Elizabeth says out in the open that it were a cold house I kept. This tells the audience that Elizabeth was frigid in her relationship with John. This has been hinted at throughout Elizabeth and Johns conversations and especially in Act 2 p42 its winter in this house yet as John says. Even though this is used by Elizabeth to show that she is guilty it tells the audience she is in fact innocent. To all appearances, and how most of the other characters perceive Elizabeth and Abigail, Elizabeth is the guilty one and Abigail is the innocent. They see Abigail as a child and a virgin who is pure sexually, morally and religiously whereas the audience, John, Elizabeth and Hale know better. The majority of characters see Elizabeth as the older, more sexually and sinfully experienced. Salem societys religious outlook fogs their judgement and they assume that the woman who they perceive as sexually innocent is also legally innocent. As we see they are wrong in both respects: John has committed adultery with Abigail who is the experienced and guilty one. William Blake This play is about the individual vs. the community. It shows the world what can happen if an individual speaks up for his/herself and acts on his/her personal beliefs. If one is not on the side of the community one is estranged from the community and rejected. In extreme circumstances, such as in this play, one can be put to death. Hale says (p116) that it is pride, it is vanity to create conflict with the community when you know you will be punished for doing so. Personally I think, I believe Arthur Miller thinks and the character of John Proctor thinks, that Hale is wrong. He suggests that it is wrong when he says it is vanity. Miller tries to show that John is a mostly upright character and died for a good cause. Miller believes this conflict between the individual and the community is right when the community is repressive and punishing. The word sibilance in the stage directions (p106) at the beginning of this scene means hissing and actually makes a hissing sound when articulated properly. The sibilance at the beginning of this scene shows the conflict between Elizabeths inner emotions and the emotions of the other characters in the scene. This sound breaks the silence when John comes in. I think it sets the scene for the last part of the play because Elizabeth Proctor is very docile and defeated at this last part of the play and Johns feet on the ground sounds like an animal hissing in fright. I think that at this point Elizabeth is hissing inside and this is the expression of her inside emotions. It is later confirmed that she is very scared for Johns life and her own and terrified about the whole situation as she is later in terror, weeping. This is caused because of the Proctors earlier conflict being resolved. This sibilance could alternatively be interpreted as Johns defiance against the court officials and jailers because as we see when Parris feebly offers, a cup of cider, Mr Proctor, he has nothing but contempt for them. The themes in this scene relate to the play as a whole. The theme of truth and lies and its resultant effect upon justice and injustice runs throughout the play. It begins on a simple level in Act One then as the play develops the situation gets more serious. The yellow bird the afflicted girls see could symbolise lying because the colour yellow is often linked with this conflict. This conflict continues all through the play and is resolved at the end when John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse hang because they are on the side of truth. In a way one could say that justice is defeated and destroyed at the end of the play because of all the characters those who stand up for truth and real justice, not Salem justice, are hanged. In my opinion justice wins this conflict because Proctor doesnt give in to lying at the very end. Although, he may be in part considering his and his familys reputation, his behaviour can also be likened to that of a saint after all; it is reminiscent of the early Christian martyrs. The truth/lies and justice/injustice conflicts are intrinsically related not just in the play but also universally. Falsity like Abigails can invoke great injustices as we see in the play but falsity like Hales let him give his lie intended actions could bring us back to justice. In the same way truth like Johns saying he will not sign myself to lies can lead to injustice since he is hanged at the end but in this play a great number of characters would have to see the complete truth to lead the to justice. Since all the characters have some belief in God the supreme judge they all believe in truth and justice to a certain extent and that that will be give at the end. As Elizabeth says: There be no higher judge under heaven. No one except God can judge Proctor and the other people to be hanged. This essay has discussed conflict between and within various different themes, people and ideas. The Chambers Science and Technology Dictionary says that a crucible is, a refractory vessel or pot in which metals are melted. The introduction to the Heinemann version of The Crucible 1992 (Maureen Blakesley) says, John Proctor is tested in a life threatening ordeal and his death at the end rather than betrayal of his conscience shows that he too has come through the fire to be purified. I would go as far as to say that the crucible (refractory vessel) is the ordeal and events therefore the play itself: The Crucible and the whole idea of conflict can be taken from just the play title. When John finally has his transgressions and personal disbeliefs refracted he is executed. This is also symbolic to show he becomes pure suggesting he has reached paradise after being removed from the crucible. Imogen Hagarty 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact On Fashion Industry Marketing Essay

Impact On Fashion Industry Marketing Essay The increasing variety of choices, cheaper prices, increasing use of social media and increasing level of comfort across all age groups are changing the retail landscape with more and more users going online to purchase products. In line with this trend, Australian online shopping expenditure is predicted to be worth $26.9 billion by 2016, a growth of 14.1% (PwC). Research conducted by PwC indicates that the retail categories that will show the strongest online growth is clothing, foot wear, jewellery and fashion accessories; in short the fashion industry. With 62% of Australians owning a smart phone and 22% owning a tablet pc (PwC), use of advanced mobile devices are growing at a rapid pace. Further, research shows that 73% of smart phone users and 90% of iPhone users use their phones to access the internet (Essential research). This accessibility has given rise to mobile shopping, as research by PwC shows that of all devices used to purchase goods online in Australia, 34% was through mobile phones and 17% was through tablet pcs. Further, the same research indicated that 57% of Australian online shoppers have increased their online spending through mobile shopping in the last 12 months. Retailers are taking note of these trends; online retailers are mushrooming, while the brick and mortar businesses are building more interactive and mobile-optimized web sites, enhancing them with mobile apps, including aspects of social media such as mood boards and fashion diaries, they are trying to cater to the tech savvy customer. This phenomenon along with emerging technologies such as wave and pay has the ability to completely transform the fashion retail industry. This new trend in consumer buying behaviour poses opportunities as well as challenges to marketers to engage in innovative ways with the consumers. This will involve understating consumer needs, and understanding the importance of the rise of advanced mobile devices and its impact on the fashion industry consumers. Description Source Source Justification Impact (Key takeout) David Jones Media release on new strategic direction David Jones Ltd. David Jones is an up-market Australian department store chain founded in 1838. It currently has 37 stores located in most Australian states and territories. Identifying the evolving practises and innovations of companies in response to changing consumer behaviour. The future of retailing an insight into the Australian online shopping market PwC Australia PwC is a global professional services firm. It is the worlds largest professional services firm and the largest of the Big Four accountancy firms measured by 2011 revenues. The factors stimulating growth of Australian online retail, how consumers and technologies are evolving and key considerations for the future. Market Profile Guide for Apparel (Fashion) In Australia New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) NZTE is New Zealands economic development and trade promotion agency. It provides a wide range of standard services and sophisticated solutions that assist businesses through every stage of the export process. Key information and statistics on the Australian apparel industry. Research on online retailing in Australia AustraliaInstitue The Australia Institute is an independent public policy think tank based in Canberra. Since its launch in 1994, the Institute has carried out highly influential research on a broad range of economic, social and environmental issues. Key information and statistics on the Australian online retailing. Australian e-commerce Forrester Research and PayPal Forrester Consulting provides independent and objective research-based consulting to help leaders succeed in their organizations. PayPal is a secure payments system that lets people buy online without sharing their personal financial Information. PayPal has operated in Australia for 5 years. The challenges and opportunities facing Australian businesses in the online retail boom. Retail statistics and performance Textile and Clothing sector of Australia Australian Bureau of Statistics (website) A government source which provides accurate and up to date information. A comparison of online and brick and mortar apparel retailing performance The impact of search technologies MckinseyCompany MckinseyCompany is a leading research company with experience in research across many sectors. The primary sources of value from search for online retailers Critically assess one macro environmental change (socio- technological) The popularity of new mobile devices How will it effect consumer behavior mobile shopping, group shopping, customers looking for more interactive and social shopping experience How to respond to it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Strategic marketing perspective Effects on marketing in the industry Visionary Creative thinking A smart phone is a mobile phone built on a mobile computing software including more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a normal feature phone. Smart phones generally include high resolution touch screens, web browsers and high speed data access via wi-fi and mobile broadband. A tablet pc is a mobile computer, usually having a touch screen. Sales of smart phone devices are huge with 467 million units sold worldwide in 2011. With such popularity of smart phones, the smart phone industry is set to grow at a massive 19% from 2012-2016 (Market research.com).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Making a Connection in Thos Pynchons The Crying of Lot 49 Essay

Making a Connection in The Crying of Lot 49      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For as long as I could read comprehensively, I have always believed that great writing centered around well written stories that would both provide a certain measure of unaffected pleasure, as well as challenge the readers perception of the world at large; both within and outside of the sphere of its prose. Thomas Pynchons' The Crying of Lot 49 encompasses both of those requirements; by enfolding his readers, through a variety of means, within the intricate workings of his narrative. It centers around would be heroine Oedipa Maas, a practical but somewhat restless woman, who's life is turned upside down when she discovers that she has been made executor of the estate of old flame and entrepreneur Pierce Inverarity. When she is imposed upon to travel to the fictional city of San Narcisco, where Inverarity is said to have numerous real estate holdings, in order to carry out her task, Oedipa stumbles upon a muted post horn; the first of many clues leading h er deep into the impenetrable conspiracy surrounding Trystero, an underground postal system shrouded in mystery and intrigue; opening her eyes to an alternative way of life. This post modern work of literature infuses dark humor and irony instigating a metamorphosis of intellectually challenging material; subsequently luring us, his readers who have unknowingly become a part of the conspiracy, into the methodical chaos of The Crying of Lot 49.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Well known for incorporating the basic ideas of philosophy and physics into all of his writings, Pynchon states that the "measure of the world is its entropy" (The Grim Phoenix, pg.2); an assertion that extends into the worlds he has created within th... ...te of the fact that this book accomplished its task, which I am supposing was to challenge my perceptions and reawaken some innate sense of self realization within me; to borrow the words of another, after enduring the torture of Pynchon's text for seven straight days my final assessment leads me to conclude that the covers of this book are too far apart.          Sources Cited: Plater, William M.   The Grim Phoenix:   Reconstructing Thomas Pynchon.   Bloomington:   Indiana UP, 1978 Tanner, Tony.   Thomas Pynchon.   London: Metheun, 1982.    Sources Consulted:    Johnstone, John. "Toward the Schizo-Text: Paranoia as Semiotic Regime in The Crying of Lot 49." New Essays on The Crying of Lot 49. Ed., Patrick O'Donnell. Cambridge UP, 1991. 47-78.    O'Donnell, Patrick.   Ed., New Essays on The Crying of Lot 49.. Cambridge UP, 1991.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Christmas Carol (English Coursework)

During 1843 Charles Dickens wrote a novel ‘A Christmas Carol'. The novel was influences by the experience Charles Dickens had of the social divide of the rich and the poor during the Victorian times. Charles Dickens had a terrible childhood, his family spent several years in increasing poverty. Dickens was sent to work long hours in a blacking factory. This was because his father was imprisoned for debt in 1824. Dickens spent ten hours a day sticking labels on pots of boot blacking. His life was miserable and he was determined to improve the quality of his and those of other poor people. Crime rates increased dramatically due to poverty and destitution. The memories of these hard times haunted dickens for the rest of his life. He felt bad about the neglect of the poor. In a lot of his work he describes the issues with poverty and the social and physical conditions of Victorian London. He compares these conditions to the wealthy, luxurious lifestyles of the upper class to bring awareness of the disgusting standards of living at the lower end of society, so that everyone could be educated on this subject, he even gave public reading of his own work. London's industrial age helped the UK to become rich and successful. However, this era had affected the country physically, socially, and culturally, because of the establishment of the factory system. Many people began moving to cities in search of a secure job, this lead to a huge growth in the population. This caused there to be three times more people living in Great Britain at the end of the century than the beginning. The overcrowding resulted in conditions that were dangerous and caused an increase in crime and poverty. In London the river Thames was full of sewage and the air was full of soot and pollution. Young children and adults were forced to work 14 hours a day and were paid rock bottom wages even though they were working in life threatening conditions. The poor had no jobs, not enough food and had a low life expectancy of twenty nine. This was because most people in the bottom end of society were malnourished which was caused by starvation they also couldn't afford healthcare. However, the higher classes made increasing profits at the expense of the poor. The rich took advantage of the poor by forcing them to work long hours in life threatening conditions for little pay. The rich thought the poor were poor because they were lazy and couldn't be bothered to do anything. At the beginning of the novel the reader is immediately given a negative impression of scrooge being a stingy old man. Dickens emphasises the point by describing Scrooge with many words that all mean nearly the same: â€Å"Oh but he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner! This is effective in showing the reader that his desire for money comes before anything else. It shows that his number one priority is making as much profit as possible. This makes the reader get the impression that Scrooge is extremely horrible and greedy. When Dickens uses weather to describe Scrooge he makes him sound as horrible as possible, a man who has no feelings. â€Å"External heat and cold has little influence on Scrooge. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him. † Dickens suggests that no weather has an affect on him whether it's cold or hot. Scrooge is much too cold hearted to be affected by anything or anyone, no matter what time of year. Scrooge is presented as being unattractive and having no emotions. â€Å"The cold within him froze his old features,† this makes the reader think the cold from inside him has made him ugly on the outside. This description of Scrooge is made even more unpleasant when it is compared to that of Scrooges cheerful nephew. When Scrooges nephew, Fred comes to wish Scrooge a merry Christmas Scrooge replies by saying, â€Å"what reason do you have to be merry? This shows the reader that Scrooge has no respect for his nephew. It is also ironic as he thinks no poor person has anything to be merry about, But he is rich and miserable. He, like many of the rich at that time believed the poor are poor because they are lazy. When two men come to Scrooge to ask for money to give to charity he replies, â€Å"I don't make merry myself at Christmas, and I can't afford to make idle people merry. † This shows that scrooge is hard-hearted and doesn't see the poor as people but sees them as a problem. Scrooge thinks that the poor should be left to die to decrease the population as there was overcrowding in London at the time this novel was written. ‘If they would rather die' Said Scrooge, ‘they had better do it, ‘and decrease the surplus population. The miserable and gloomy mood of Scrooge is further emphasised by Dickens use of pathetic fallacy. â€Å"The fog comes pouring in at every chink and keyhole†¦ â€Å"The houses opposite were mere phantoms. † The use of pathetic fallacy creates a dull atmosphere which matches the atmosphere created by Scrooge. The use of the word ‘Phantoms' creates an even spookier atmosphere. It is almost as if what ever Scrooge is feeling he will make the same atmosphere and weather as he is feeling. In stave three Dickens describes the Market Place and the poor part of town: both give a different impression to the reader. â€Å"There were great round potbellied baskets of chest nuts, shaped like the waistcoats of jolly old gentleman,† By Dickens using this simile it makes the reader think of father Christmas because he is often described as being happy and joyful. This is effective in showing that people don't have to be rich to be joyful. This description of the market place is made even more cheerful when compared to the miserable and unpleasant, poor part of town which is shown to be a depressing and disheartening place to live. The description of the poor part of town is shown as being even more unattractive, â€Å"The people half naked, drunken, slipshod, ugly. † The comparison between the cheerful market place and the poor part of town is really important because it shows how the rich people live and how depressing the lives of poor people are. This is effective in showing people how lucky they are compared to the poor people's lifestyles. Victorian society is reflected as being greedy and non-caring and also shows the massive social divide between the rich and the poor. By the end of the novel Scrooge has completely transformed from being a bitter and miserable old sinner into a more cheerful and energetic youthful man. He used to be, â€Å"A squeezing, wrenching, clutching, covetous, old sinner! † whereas at the end of the novel he describes himself as, â€Å"I am as light as a feather. I am as happy as a school boy, I am as giddy as a drunken man. A merry Christmas to everybody! † This description of Scrooge shows that he is no longer a grumpy old man and now has changed into a much more youthful and jolly man. He no longer thinks that he is better than all poor people and that poor people can't be merry. In this section of the novel there is a lot of exclamation marks and short sentences used to show that he is peaking excitedly, this enhances the fact that he is in a happy and enthusiastic mood. This use of short sentences and exclamation marks almost makes Scrooge sound younger. In my opinion ‘A Christmas Carol' is really effective in informing the reader of the social divide between the rich and the poor during Victorian times. I think that the book would have been good at informing the rich about the appalling living standards of the poor par of town. There was no other way for the rich people to find out about this because they had never been to this part of the town. I think that Charles Dickens was trying to make everyone aware of the poverty and overcrowding the poor people were going through, he was emotionally attached because he had been through this for most of his childhood and early adulthood.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Professional Aspirations and Personal Statement

T Professional Aspirations and Personal Statement I truly believe that every individual on-this earth is called to help one another. It may be something so-simple- as to-tell a-friend that they matter when they're having a-bad day, or something huge as in dedicating your life-to tell people- that they matter. The latter is my goal. The-Christian faith has been a-passion- of mine since I was young, and now a senior in highschool I have-come- to the-condusion that the faith I have-must be shared with others.To-love when love-is needed, to care when-care is needed, to give a-sense of hope when life seems hopeless, and to-inspire when inspiration is no more. That is why I am choosing the-career of Christian Ministries. Yes, it is broad, but I believe- the-broadness to be-extremely inspiring and motivating for I can love, care, motivate, inspire, listen, teach, and-help humanity in a vast amount of ways. I believe that often- ministry is not necessarily â€Å"preaching† but just se tting themereexampleof love, For actions speak louder than words.I-am attending Azusa Pacific University next fall with a-major of Christian Ministries. I also-am considering of studying Intercultural Studies and Theatre; for theatre is a passion of mine, and-I believe- that Intercultural Studies with guide-me in my Ministry major, Azusa- is aprivate- Christian University that will give me-the education, and tools I need to-go-out a-helpothers. I also- plan on-doing mission trips in the summers, and study abroad for a semester so I can reach other cultures and countries. By the-word â€Å"reach' I mean to-simply love.I have- a passion to simply serve-other people, for I believe it to be the-most rewarding experience- on this earth. A Christian Ministries major will provide me with the-essentials needed to-go out into the world- with a sincere love-and passion for people, my goal is to serve, and I believe this major is one of the best for serving. Philanthropic Aspirations: My prof essional aspirations completely co inside' with my philanthropic aspirations for career aspirations is to increase' the well being of humankind in everyway.It is hard for me to specifically address one-humanitarian issue' for I want to impact all kinds of people- in diverseplaces; One-issue that I believe to-be increasing is the shallow idea of beauty. Women today are often driven to-make themselves on the outside lookbeautiftd; when inside they are hurting,and feel terribly insignificant and ugly, Now of days beauty is ali about the outside. The-media has a way of promoting theperf. ect hair,skin, body-type, etc in a way that women who do not have theperfect skin, hair, or body feel useless;I would like-to dedicate- my time-to showing these women the beauty inside them; beauty that doesn't come from anyone else; but a beauty that makes them who they are; I want topremote the-idea that women are-truly and-significantly beautiful the way they are. For this confidence will help many w omen with serious problems such as depression, anorexia/bulimia, lack of self confidence, and so many other problems women deal with. For by women knowing the-beauty they have they will be able-to embrace- who they are; and make-a direct impact on so many other women around them.I want to give-women the oopportunity 10 choose- a life of innerself, a life of love, hope; and happiness because- they love-who they are; I believe- that through my educational plans that I will be able to have-a direct impact on many women. For Christian Ministries is' all about people, so therefore- I . can be able to encourage- women at not only my University, hut through my church, missions; outreaches; and in everyday life. For life-should be about telling others that they matter,and let's face it women matter. And they matter not because of their outer appearance, but because of their inner goals, desires, and passions. ——